Check the load order so that nothing conflicts and try to put her as low as possible. Should be safe to use whenever and safe to remove whenever. And get CBBE Ida Body Texture mentioned in the description.įor the clothing and armors used in the screenshots, check the Permissions and Credits tab. If you have to, use version 1.1 of this mod) Since you use CBBE do not download the vanilla body from this page, only download the Valkyr face texture located in the "old files" section. Valkyr Female Face and Body Textures (I don't use this mod anymore since 2.0 doesn't fit my character preset.If you don't want to use FSM's Body Textures Redux you can use: FSM Body Textures Redux - CBBE Textures and Presets (Use the Valkyr texture for the face).Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- (Needed for the body textures below, use the Curvy one).Recommended mods: Even if you don't care about getting the exact look, i still recommend you downloading these mods. MiscHairstyle1.6 (not on Nexus, after downloading add mod from file in your mod manager).Use the recommended Body/Face textures and/or cosmetic mods below. Required mods: Won't guarantee the exact look.

Preset is available in the optional files.